Monday, March 25, 2013

March Week 4

Hey everyone!!! things are going well here in Tucson... Except for the work. The work in my area is slower than cold tar in January! The people here are really nice but they seem to be burned out in missionary work. IF THIS IS YOU PLEASE MAKE YOUR LOCAL MISSIONARIES JOBS EASIER. There was a talk back a while ago that was entitles "ask the missionaries, they can help" I think.... We all have a duty to our callings. Missionary work is all around us. I really understand now that it takes support, not only from the bishop and the ward mission leaders but also the individual members. It is a blessing to have members want us over for dinner where we can share a message, this can also benefit each of you. I can't tell you the number of times that they have had questions and we were able to help them further their progression in missionary work. To Tyson, Welcome home, from the home of those there. I know now that I know nothing. There really wasn't one thing I can share this week other than that. I hope all of you are doing really well! Easter is coming soon! Don't forget who makes all of this world possible! With Love, Elder Klynton Frederick

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