Monday, September 23, 2013

September Week 4

Welcome to the Desert!!! What a week... So I had some experience in the last few weeks that has really changed my outlook on life. There has been a lot of things happen that have been good and bad.... So to all you missionaries out there (which should be all of you, we are member missionaries after all), don't have a camp/bon fire on your mission! You tend to get in trouble for things like that...... no need to go into detail just don't do it!!!!!! another thing.... Please keep a book of Mormon handy at all times. If not that then keep a few pass along cards handy. Continue to read the book of Mormon. I was at a dinner appointment last night and I bore a testimony of the book of Mormon I didn't know I had. There are some amazing things that go into the book. I truly know that The Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith and that its record of the people in it is something that is truly worth the time it takes to read it and gain a testimony of. There is no other book that can bring you closer to your Heavenly Father than that and by abiding by its precepts.... Joseph Smith said that and I completely agree with him. Remember that The Book of Mormon is the keystone to our religion and by reading it and really praying about it can you gain a testimony that will never fail you. Hope everyone is doing well!!! Elder Klynton Frederick

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