Hello Family!!!
well I am glad to hear that your busy mom, it sounds like EVERY BODY was busy this week, in between getting married, and arranging marriages, to just plain having fun.
Well, life is good here, just trying to stay sane when it comes to dealing with those who don't really want to be Delt with. got to love those that you stay with all day every day.
Well life is good here in India, I am loving good old Vizag, its absolutely amazing, there are just so many people who are ready and need the gospel in their lives right now. we just found a family who when we started to teach about how the gospel blesses Families the wife just started to cry and say how happy she was that even though she had an arranged marriage, how grateful she was to have such a great husband. Someone who would help her children to grow and have a great roll model to watch and follow. They where so happy to have us that they wanted us to come as soon as possible, they are a grate family, I really pray that we can help them to truly receive the restored gospel.
So not to much this week, I am just glad to see that everyone is happy and ready to stay busy, never thought that I would say it, but I hope that I die being busy.
I just want you all to know that I love you and how grateful I am to have such a grate family who is willing to work hard at living the gospel.
I know that this is the true church, the Church of Jesus Christ, and I continue to have my testimony grow every time I talk to people who don't know what it is that they want in life, or what they are truly doing here, I know that God truly has a plan for each of us, and I know that when we listen to his council and we search the scriptures, I know that the holy Ghost is truly able to speak to us, and that buy his guidance we can truly attain the level of perfection that we can become. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon, and its Divine coming forth, I am grateful for a living prophet who is able to speak with our heavenly Father and tell us exactly what we need.
I love you all, and am so happy to call you all mine.
Elder Colton Frederick
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